Digested on November 10, 2003
Posted by David Earls

On a temporary break... back soonish. Drop a line to the email address below if you want to be informed of when the site is back to normal.

In the meantime, may I recommend Typophile, Typographi.ca and MS Typo news. Native French speakers may want to explore Typographe.com.

And, just before I go, one for you bargain hunters. FontLab is giving away ScanFont 3.2.1 (for MacOS Classic) on the cover of MacUser magazine here in the UK. It works a treat with TypeTool and FontLab, even under MacOS X (see quick and dirty example of the two working together below). Plus, they are offering a special deal on ScanFont 4 with either TypeTool or the full FontLab for $129 and $599 respectively.

Again, back fairly soon!

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